Realization of an error-tolerant general-purpose quantum computer that will dramatically advance the economy, industry, and security by 2050
As the progress of conventional computers is reaching limits, quantum computers are attracting attention for their ability to respond to the explosive growth in demand for various information processing. In order to solve diverse, complex, and large-scale real-world problems at high speed using a quantum computer, the key is to realize an error-tolerant general-purpose quantum computer that can perform accurate calculations while correcting quantum errors. In this program, we will promote research and development in hardware, software, networks, and related fields. In our "Research and Development of an Error-Tolerant Large-Scale General-Purpose Optical Quantum Computer," we will develop our original quantum look-up table method to realize large-scale error-tolerant quantum operations. We aim then to realize a large-scale optical quantum computer characterized by room-temperature operation by 2050.