List of R & D issues

Research and Development Subjects01
Research and development on time-domain multiplexed general-purpose optical quantum computing

Outline of Research and Development Proposals

In the method of time-domain multiplexed general-purpose optical quantum computing developed by the program manager and his colleagues, clustered states are used as quantum entanglement for quantum computation, and these clustered states are generated using squeezed light. At present, the lowest error tolerance threshold of squeezing level of squeezed light is considered to be achieved by using a state called GKP qubit, which has been found to have a threshold of less than 10 dB, but the requirement for GKP qubit is very severe at present time. Hence there is a need to reduce the level of the requirements.
In this project, we are aiming to reduce the requirements for GKP qubits and further decrease of the threshold values for error correction tolerance.

01Research and development on time-domain multiplexed general-purpose optical quantum computing

Professor,Akira Furusawa, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Project Promoters
Akira FurusawaProfessor,
Graduate School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo

Reaserch Result

Getting Ready

Research and Development Subjects01
Research and development on time-domain multiplexed general-purpose optical quantum computer

We will study and develop a hybrid error correction method with continuous quantity error correction using a state called GKP qubit, which is expected to be a low threshold for error tolerance.

Research and Development Subjects02
Research and development on superconducting photon number discriminator

We will develop a superconducter photon number discriminator that can discriminate more than 60 photons with an operating bandwidth of 1 GHz and a quantum efficiency of more than 99%.

Research and Development Subjects03
Research and development on waveguide optical parametric amplifiers and optical quantum waveguide circuits

We aim to realize waveguide optical parametric amplifiers and optical quantum waveguide circuit devices in order to realize quantum teleportation chips that can operate satisfactorily even in conditions exceeding the error tolerance threshold.

Research and Development Subjects04
Research and development on social implementation of optical quantum computers

The main objective of this project is to build a man-machine interface that includes the development of compilers and assemblers, and to realize an actual machine that can be operated as a cloud computer.

  • The Moonshot Research and Development Program
  • Japan Science and Technology Agency
  • The University of Tokyo
  • Institute of Engineering Innovation,School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
  • RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing